Rabu, 11 Desember 2013
Info INFO bit to remove the hurt from our partner that makes us upset. # Pondering or silence and reflect on what the subject of this problem, what cause and effect of the problem, of course, with a cool head. # Find the busyness of doing what we can do in order to at least be forgotten though gradually. # Shouts loud and shouted the loudest or vent with a friend let our hearts be happy and will certainly calm. # Prayers and close themselves in the mind of the creator that we are so much quieter and much istighfar and the man was definitely no one is perfect.
Community unique community that is very unique or different from the others, something Keith others or something that Keith many people know but there is a group of people or group of people who melukan example LIDER LOW is a unique bike that has a lengthy and etched yank handlebar, seat long, the shape of the bike other than the general shape of the existing bike. The nature of this unique community itself is very important, they do positive things like konfoy together, socializing, helping others, just a very positive activity, but there are also adverse community masarakat contohnmya motorcycle gang that we often hear in the media, very bad thing the things that they do, and therefore we need to be self-awareness that is useful for everyone or society. Do not ever be the one to make the other person feel uncomfortable make people around us, love us love us, especially our parents.
positive thinking
Life today is filled with lies, the fruit of the negative thoughts, the error search is more important than the mistakes themselves. Having taken a long time, people would find the awareness that they live in a negative world, they also know they have to be changed as soon as possible . Sometimes people think that they live in a positive way but it is not because that's just how they give an idea on their minds, and not as simple as it seems. No matter which stage of growth until we experience, but we can always think of positive change and give you the best.
Positive thinking can be described as a way of thinking that is more emphasis on the perspective and positive emotions, both toward oneself, others or the situation at hand. Where positive thoughts can build up and strengthen the personality or character of a person. This means that we can become more mature, more courage to face the challenges, and do great things. Positive thinking will not make us stop because of limited or our weaknesses, but positive thoughts will only make us seek our strength day by day.
Various Of Reply Letters
1. Reply Application Letter
PT Prima Nugroho
Soekarno-Hatta road 123 Telp (0352) 311 110
November 28, 2013
Number: 09/4-A/1/02
Subject: Call
Designation. Mr Akhmad Ghozali
Sambit Bangsalan Village District
BekasiIn response to a job application letter you, we thank you. For further discussion,we expect the arrival of brothers on:
day, date: Monday, November 14, 2012
Time: At 10.00 precisely
purposes: the TOEIC test and interview test in English
place: 2nd Floor, room Suromenggolo B
Soekarno-Hatta Road 123 Telephone (0352) 311 110 Ponorogo
On occasion, we expect you:1) brings the original degree certificate,2) bring a transcript and a copy.
3) bring 2B pencils and erasers.4) under dark and white dress.Such a summons is made. Top your attention, I thank you.
Chief of Personnel,
Prof. Dr. Ozal Ozil, MSc.
2. Repply Complaint Letter
3. Reply Order Letter
4. Reply Inquiry Letter
Love and Luxury
You don't look appearance cause you can cheat
You don’t forget you look luxury thing cause you lose
Come to someone what you can smile and laugh
Don’t feel he is always certainly with you
Don’t imagine he always protects dan love you
Don’t feel he wasted yourlife now
This life feel so fast to do
If you have been skipped with wrong options
business opportunities
How to get a business opportunity
Select a location that we think is the most good or often skipped one or it could be in place already banak that in the interest of the consumer market for example, street, shop houses etc..
If the place or location we've got it should have an idea or an idea of what we want to sell because they have to have an advance konseb to run the business and if we can sell what belom many rivals in the place, because it really helps us especially in matters advantage, we would gain a little larger than our capital and most importantly we have to sell good products for customers and so we are not disappointed for our customers.
Honest in the business because it is very important to get the fortune that kosher, non-kosher fortune is bad for us or our family life.
Tips on how to buy a car remote RC
Tips on how to buy a car remote RC
First look for a shop or seller that consumers often go because sometimes penjuala ang yank the customers have a lot of it is because they have a good waiter or have a good product
Both choose the model or the physical form that we want because we have bought a sense of disappointment will not happen, especially meticulous in choosing goods check first before we pay because its like a regular seller sells goods that do not know her situation is good or not but there is also a honest but we still have to be thorough.
Third pick the right price that is too expensive and not too cheap than the market price of the remote car because when the market is more expensive than we would get caught, and if so cheap from the market we also have to be careful because Keith is certainly good quality goods
Demekian little info how we buy toy car remote.
Sunan Gunung Jati is one of nine people who spread the religion of Islam in Java called guardian dross.
Besides mountain Sunan his identity as missionaries as well as leader of the people, because he became king (sultan) in Cirebon area and also his first sultan in Cirebon area, and he was a descendant of the Saudi Arabian.
Sunan Gunung Jati is one of nine people who spread the religion of Islam in Java called guardian dross.
Besides mountain Sunan his identity as missionaries as well as leader of the people, because he became king (sultan) in Cirebon area and also his first sultan in Cirebon area, and he was a descendant of the Saudi Arabian.
love the assortment and it is so weird
love is not supposed to happen but it could happen
love that has little chance but there is a sense
What may not be possible
sick, happy, proud, disappointed for sure in a sense
sometimes can exceed the admiration of love
could exceed the inspiration of love
saying or love
perfection exists or not
admiration there or not
What may not be possible
saying or love
love is not supposed to happen but it could happen
love that has little chance but there is a sense
What may not be possible
sick, happy, proud, disappointed for sure in a sense
sometimes can exceed the admiration of love
could exceed the inspiration of love
saying or love
perfection exists or not
admiration there or not
What may not be possible
saying or love
Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013
Keeping patience is something that is very good especially when running fast ibada was a very important thing, patience in the face of life is also very important because every day life will always be different will always have a good turn and there is also bad,
impatience will lead to selfishness and always do not want to be difficult and also can always menghandalkan another person, not confident then that he received was an inconvenience if we have the patience that we received was a comfort and tranquility.
impatience will lead to selfishness and always do not want to be difficult and also can always menghandalkan another person, not confident then that he received was an inconvenience if we have the patience that we received was a comfort and tranquility.
RC toy car damage check
RC toy car damage check
# First check the battery first because it is a source of weak car battery if the battery will not be on check carefully.
# And if we want to check the damage we must first identify the damage of the rc car and locate the source of the damage is damage that is 3; engine, dynamo, gear.
# Machine, engine damage occurred because of over heat source or battery and could be a possibility of the cables connecting it to our check.
# Dynamo, damages that may occur from the dynamo congestion and overheating can occur, we must also check for comfortable wear.
# Gear, the gear can damage or seating los because of looseness or broken gear having gear which resulted in stable can not play with.
# First check the battery first because it is a source of weak car battery if the battery will not be on check carefully.
# And if we want to check the damage we must first identify the damage of the rc car and locate the source of the damage is damage that is 3; engine, dynamo, gear.
# Machine, engine damage occurred because of over heat source or battery and could be a possibility of the cables connecting it to our check.
# Dynamo, damages that may occur from the dynamo congestion and overheating can occur, we must also check for comfortable wear.
# Gear, the gear can damage or seating los because of looseness or broken gear having gear which resulted in stable can not play with.
1. Inquiry Letter
Inquiry Letter is a kind
of letter of request or request for information about a product, service, job
postings or other business information.
In general, the
general function of this letter is to respond to an advertisement of
information sources such as newspapers, magazines or electronic media about a
product / service as we are interested in the informasih obtained.
Usually Suart is an
initial step in building a business or cooperation of two parties: the provider
of products / services and buyers of products / services.
In this letter,
there are some things that are discussed by the providers of services /
products is the question of the buyer in order to help buyers themselves to
find out information about products / services. Those things include :
a. Name and type of
b. Product
specifications, namely the type, size, quality, capacity and others;
c. Unit price.
d. Discounts;
e. The method of payment
from the buyer to the seller;
f. Way of delivery of the
product from the seller to the buyer, and
g. Ease that may be
obtained by the buyer, such as warranty and others.
Examples Of Inquiry
Examples Of Inquiry Letter Reply
Order Letter
An order
letter is usually written when a company purchases or buys or order goods
or services from another party. Here is an Order Letter you
might need when you order goods and materials. Do not forget
to clearly state the exact name of the merchandise, the price, and the amount
of payment being sent.
Complain Letter
Writing a letter of
complaint is something most people have to do at some point in their lives.
Whether you're dissatisfied with a company's product or service, it is usually
possible to resolve the issue in a mutually beneficial way, through a firm but
polite letter of complaint. Writing a complaint letter should not be
complicated or scary - all you need to do is clearly state the facts and
politely request a resolution. Here's how.
Application Letter
Your application
letter and résumé may be the most important documents you write during your
time at university—and being able to write good applications will keep on being
important during your working life. Here's some advice on starting out well.
Employers say they
want to hire people who can communicate clearly, handle personal interactions,
and analyse complex situations. Use your application package to demonstrate
these qualities.
5. Memo
Memo is a quick message,
the message is written someone with a short, clear, and easy to understand.
According to its use, there are scraps that are informal and personal (not official).
Memo is officially adopted as a statement in the official relationship of a
leader to his subordinates. Used as a personal memo memorandum or unofficial
statement among friends, relatives, or others who have an intimate
Referensi :
Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013
english business
of English business + types of English letter
venture in trade understanding other business according to Indonesian
dictionary is a line of business in the world of commerce kangmoes very
confident that the business is a loan word from the English language
"business " . So as to understand the definition of the Indonesian
business , we need to dig up information about business definitions in the
English language,business written ' business ' in the English
language has the definition of ' the activity of making , buying , selling or
suppliying things for money ' . If translated into Indonesian is more or less
be as follows. letter is a means to convey statements
or information in
writing from one party to the other
party, either on
his own behalf, and on behalf of his
position in an organization,
institution or company.
This information can be multiple requests, reports, ideas, suggestions and
so on.
2. Parts of letter
Letterhead - Stationary printed at the top of the page including
the company name, logo, full address, and other elements such as trademark
symbols, phone & fax numbers, and an e-mail.Dateline - The
date is the month (spelled out), day, and year. If you are using Microsoft
Word, click - Insert, then Time and Date. Press Enter
four times after the date. Letter Address - The complete
address of the recipient of the letter. The letter address usually includes the
personal title (Mr., Mrs. etc.), first and last name followed by the company
name, street address, city, province, and postal code. Press Enter
twice after letter address.Salutation - The word Dear
followed by the personal title and last name of the recipient (Dear Mr.
Smith). Press Enter twice after the salutation.Body - The
text that makes up the message of the letter. Single-space the paragraphs and
double-space between the paragraphs. Press Enter twice after the last
paragraph. Complimentary closing - A phrase used to end a
letter. Capitalize only the first letter. If there is a colon after the
salutation, there must be a comma after the complimentary close. Press Enter
four times (or more) after the complimentary close to allow for a written
signature. Name and title of writer - Type the first and last
name of the sender. The sender's personal title (Mr., Ms., Dr., etc) should be
included. Use a comma to separate the job title if it's on the same line as the
name. Do not use a comma if the job title is on a separate line. Press Enter
twice after the name or title.3.Styles of business letter
Business letters may be written in any of the following styles: full block or purely block, simplified, modified block, semi-block, hanging-indented, indented, and memorandum style. The full block style has all the letter elements flush with the left margin; it is asymmetrical because there are wide white spaces on the right. It differs from the simplified style in the sense that the salutation and the complimentary close are absent in the latter. The modified block style, the semi-block style, and the hanging-indented style share the same format, that is, all the letter elements, except the salutation, complimentary close, and signature (which are begun at the center) are flush with the left margin. The three differ in paragraph indention: the modified block has no indention, the semi-block style has a normal or standard indention, while the hanging-indented style, as its name suggests, has a hanging indention. The indented style has most of its elements indented. The memorandum style has a unique format. It has a header with the reference line, date line, subject line, TO line, FROM line, and THRU line. A demarcation line divides the header and the body of the letter. Examples of the letter styles are found below.
Jumat, 04 Januari 2013
Mengecek kerusakan mobil RC mainan
Mengecek kerusakan mobil RC mainan
# yang pertama cek batre terlebih dahulu karna sumber dari
itu adalah batre apabila batre lemah mobil tidak akan bisa on cek dengan
# dan apabila kita ingin mengecek kerusakan kita harus
kenali dulu kerusakan dari mobil rc tersebut dan cari sumber kerusakan ada 3
kerusakan yaitu; mesin,dynamo,gir.
# mesin, kerusakan mesin terjadi karna mengalami kepanasan
dari sumber atau batre dan bisa kemungkinan dari kabel yang tersambung itu yang
harus kita cek.
# dynamo,kerusakan yang mungkin terjadi kemacetan dari
dynamo dan bisa juga terjadi kepanasan,itu juga harus kita cek untuk kenyamanan
# gir,kerusakan pada gir bisa karna los atau tempat duduk
dari gir mengalami kelonggaran atau pecah yang mengakibatkan gir tidak dapat
memutar dengan stabil.
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