of English business + types of English letter
venture in trade understanding other business according to Indonesian
dictionary is a line of business in the world of commerce kangmoes very
confident that the business is a loan word from the English language
"business " . So as to understand the definition of the Indonesian
business , we need to dig up information about business definitions in the
English language,business written ' business ' in the English
language has the definition of ' the activity of making , buying , selling or
suppliying things for money ' . If translated into Indonesian is more or less
be as follows. letter is a means to convey statements
or information in
writing from one party to the other
party, either on
his own behalf, and on behalf of his
position in an organization,
institution or company.
This information can be multiple requests, reports, ideas, suggestions and
so on.
2. Parts of letter
Letterhead - Stationary printed at the top of the page including
the company name, logo, full address, and other elements such as trademark
symbols, phone & fax numbers, and an e-mail.Dateline - The
date is the month (spelled out), day, and year. If you are using Microsoft
Word, click - Insert, then Time and Date. Press Enter
four times after the date. Letter Address - The complete
address of the recipient of the letter. The letter address usually includes the
personal title (Mr., Mrs. etc.), first and last name followed by the company
name, street address, city, province, and postal code. Press Enter
twice after letter address.Salutation - The word Dear
followed by the personal title and last name of the recipient (Dear Mr.
Smith). Press Enter twice after the salutation.Body - The
text that makes up the message of the letter. Single-space the paragraphs and
double-space between the paragraphs. Press Enter twice after the last
paragraph. Complimentary closing - A phrase used to end a
letter. Capitalize only the first letter. If there is a colon after the
salutation, there must be a comma after the complimentary close. Press Enter
four times (or more) after the complimentary close to allow for a written
signature. Name and title of writer - Type the first and last
name of the sender. The sender's personal title (Mr., Ms., Dr., etc) should be
included. Use a comma to separate the job title if it's on the same line as the
name. Do not use a comma if the job title is on a separate line. Press Enter
twice after the name or title.3.Styles of business letter
Business letters may be written in any of the following styles: full block or purely block, simplified, modified block, semi-block, hanging-indented, indented, and memorandum style. The full block style has all the letter elements flush with the left margin; it is asymmetrical because there are wide white spaces on the right. It differs from the simplified style in the sense that the salutation and the complimentary close are absent in the latter. The modified block style, the semi-block style, and the hanging-indented style share the same format, that is, all the letter elements, except the salutation, complimentary close, and signature (which are begun at the center) are flush with the left margin. The three differ in paragraph indention: the modified block has no indention, the semi-block style has a normal or standard indention, while the hanging-indented style, as its name suggests, has a hanging indention. The indented style has most of its elements indented. The memorandum style has a unique format. It has a header with the reference line, date line, subject line, TO line, FROM line, and THRU line. A demarcation line divides the header and the body of the letter. Examples of the letter styles are found below.
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