Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013


Keeping patience is something that is very good especially when running fast ibada was a very important thing, patience in the face of life is also very important because every day life will always be different will always have a good turn and there is also bad,

impatience will lead to selfishness and always do not want to be difficult and also can always menghandalkan another person, not confident then that he received was an inconvenience if we have the patience that we received was a comfort and tranquility.

RC toy car damage check

RC toy car damage check

# First check the battery first because it is a source of weak car battery if the battery will not be on check carefully.

# And if we want to check the damage we must first identify the damage of the rc car and locate the source of the damage is damage that is 3; engine, dynamo, gear.

# Machine, engine damage occurred because of over heat source or battery and could be a possibility of the cables connecting it to our check.

# Dynamo, damages that may occur from the dynamo congestion and overheating can occur, we must also check for comfortable wear.

# Gear, the gear can damage or seating los because of looseness or broken gear having gear which resulted in stable can not play with.


1. Inquiry Letter
Inquiry Letter is a kind of letter of request or request for information about a product, service, job postings or other business information.
 In general, the general function of this letter is to respond to an advertisement of information sources such as newspapers, magazines or electronic media about a product / service as we are interested in the informasih obtained.
 Usually Suart is an initial step in building a business or cooperation of two parties: the provider of products / services and buyers of products / services.
 In this letter, there are some things that are discussed by the providers of services / products is the question of the buyer in order to help buyers themselves to find out information about products / services. Those things include :

a. Name and type of product
b. Product specifications, namely the type, size, quality, capacity and others;
c. Unit price.
d. Discounts;
e. The method of payment from the buyer to the seller;
f. Way of delivery of the product from the seller to the buyer, and
g. Ease that may be obtained by the buyer, such as warranty and others.

Examples Of Inquiry Letter


Examples Of Inquiry Letter Reply

2. Order Letter
An order letter is usually written when a company purchases or buys  or order goods or services from another party. Here is an Order Letter you  might need  when  you order goods and materials.  Do not forget to clearly state the exact name of the merchandise, the price, and the amount of payment being sent. 

3. Complain Letter
Writing a letter of complaint is something most people have to do at some point in their lives. Whether you're dissatisfied with a company's product or service, it is usually possible to resolve the issue in a mutually beneficial way, through a firm but polite letter of complaint. Writing a complaint letter should not be complicated or scary - all you need to do is clearly state the facts and politely request a resolution. Here's how.

4. Application Letter
Your application letter and résumé may be the most important documents you write during your time at university—and being able to write good applications will keep on being important during your working life. Here's some advice on starting out well.
Employers say they want to hire people who can communicate clearly, handle personal interactions, and analyse complex situations. Use your application package to demonstrate these qualities.

5. Memo
Memo is a quick message, the message is written someone with a short, clear, and easy to understand. According to its use, there are scraps that are informal and personal (not official). Memo is officially adopted as a statement in the official relationship of a leader to his subordinates. Used as a personal memo memorandum or unofficial statement among friends, relatives, or others who have an intimate relationship.

Referensi :

Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

english business

1.Definition of English business + types of English letter
    commercial venture in trade understanding other business according to Indonesian dictionary is a line of business in the world of commerce kangmoes very confident that the business is a loan word from the English language "business " . So as to understand the definition of the Indonesian business , we need to dig up information about business definitions in the English language,business written ' business ' in the English language has the definition of ' the activity of making , buying , selling or suppliying things for money ' . If translated into Indonesian is more or less be as follows. letter is a means to convey statements or information in writing from one party to the other party, either on his own behalf, and on behalf of his position in an organization, institution or company. This information can be multiple requests, reports, ideas, suggestions and so on.
2. Parts of letter
Letterhead - Stationary printed at the top of the page including the company name, logo, full address, and other elements such as trademark symbols, phone & fax numbers, and an e-mail.Dateline - The date is the month (spelled out), day, and year. If you are using Microsoft Word, click - Insert, then Time and Date. Press Enter four times after the date. Letter Address - The complete address of the recipient of the letter. The letter address usually includes the personal title (Mr., Mrs. etc.), first and last name followed by the company name, street address, city, province, and postal code. Press Enter twice after letter address.Salutation - The word Dear followed by the personal title and last name of the recipient (Dear Mr. Smith). Press Enter twice after the salutation.Body - The text that makes up the message of the letter. Single-space the paragraphs and double-space between the paragraphs. Press Enter twice after the last paragraph. Complimentary closing - A phrase used to end a letter. Capitalize only the first letter. If there is a colon after the salutation, there must be a comma after the complimentary close. Press Enter four times (or more) after the complimentary close to allow for a written signature. Name and title of writer - Type the first and last name of the sender. The sender's personal title (Mr., Ms., Dr., etc) should be included. Use a comma to separate the job title if it's on the same line as the name. Do not use a comma if the job title is on a separate line. Press Enter twice after the name or title.
3.Styles of business letter
Business letters may be written in any of the following styles: full block or purely block, simplified, modified block, semi-block, hanging-indented, indented, and memorandum style. The full block style has all the letter elements flush with the left margin; it is asymmetrical because there are wide white spaces on the right. It differs from the simplified style in the sense that the salutation and the complimentary close are absent in the latter. The modified block style, the semi-block style, and the hanging-indented style share the same format, that is, all the letter elements, except the salutation, complimentary close, and signature (which are begun at the center) are flush with the left margin. The three differ in paragraph indention: the modified block has no indention, the semi-block style has a normal or standard indention, while the hanging-indented style, as its name suggests, has a hanging indention. The indented style has most of its elements indented. The memorandum style has a unique format. It has a header with the reference line, date line, subject line, TO line, FROM line, and THRU line. A demarcation line divides the header and the body of the letter. Examples of the letter styles are found below.